Monday, July 22, 2019

Right-wing Welfare: US Defense Budget

After spending almost 4 trillion dollars in a disastrous military engagement in Iraq,

US continues to overspend the rest of the world to act as an international police and army on US taxpayers' pockets.

US defense spending was among the things president Trump sensibly denounced as absurd, signaling an initial impulse to control.

But like most of his predecessors, Trump has just put Defense-subsidized state jobs (and votes) ahead. turning from critic to cheerleader of "two more years" of increased spending

Whether Trump will get Europe and Middle East partners to pay for US military services is still to be seen, but at least he has made clear they have to increase their share of funding military alliances. On this, he has once again flip-flopped dangerously, from critical:

to self-congratulatory conciliation

Both substantial increase on military partners and beneficiaries contributions and results- and foreign strategy-focused spending cuts are necessary.

In absence of a clear international strategy, both spending control and effective military alliances became more unlikely. 

Meanwhile,  the tab keeps running and US politics continue to depend on the perverse incentives of its military-industrial complex -as President Eisenhower warned back in 1961-

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