Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The politics of impeachment favor Trump's reelection

The Virginia flip shows how vulnerable could Trump be to a moderate Democratic opponent that appeals to middle Americans, keep taxes low, healthcare private,  and goes for a 2020 election win. But the current 24+ Democratic field shows no one in that category with chances of winning the nomination. 

Each crowded Democratic primary debate is a painful reminder of the McGovern (1972), Mondale (1984), Dukakis (1988) and Kerry (2004) fiascos. All these extreme liberal candidates ended crushed in landslides and in the Electoral College, which reflects more moderate state views. 

Lacking competitive candidates or -more importantly- moderate policy proposals, Democrats have turned to two self-defeating tactics: trying to unseat Trump through impeachment and relying on further polarization and anti-Trump feelings.

The first option seems tenuous at best, considering that the Senate is in GOP control and the second complicates the first even more, because anti-Trump-only attacks on the solidly 40 percent-popular Trump increases pro-Trump turnaround even more than anti-Trump voters.

Turning to far Left policies such as "public option" -code words for taking away private healthcare from 167 million American voters-, 54 trillion-dollar tax-hike-funded schemes to "reduce inequality" and embracing identity politics even amongst their own candidates makes general election prospects even more remote for the Democrats.

On top of all this, the economy for the 2020 election clearly favors Trump chances just at a time when the Democratic contenders announce wildly unpopular big tax hikes and unpaid spending schemes.

Virginia shows that swing voters are available, but still scared behind the Impeachment + Trillion Tax Wall far left Democratic candidates and House erected between them and "Anybody-But-Trump" alternatives. 

Add to that wall creepy legacy moderates like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton's third run. And now comes Mike Bloomberg.

Trump welcomes impeachment in its current form as his safest path to get reelected, and even get immunity from some of his obvious legal challenges in a second term.

The other great candidate to beat him -the economy- looks even more reluctant to challenge him than the far Left democrats.

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