Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pandemic Crisis: It's SARS 2002 all over again - But worse. Things to do and not to do about it

The risk of a global pandemic the size of the 1918 Spanish Flu or the 16th hundreds Black Death has been there is plain sight since SARS outbreak in 2002.

Once controlled, only specialists and dedicated philanthropists like Bill Gates kept warning about a danger that was manifold more likely than global warming or another recession. Even more likely than a bear market.

Here are some readings for those who want to know more about 
  1. A brief recent  history of Virus & Plagues
  2. and what to do about it.
And here is more Bill Gates ideas about what to do with the coronavirus Second Coming.

As for now, two equally myopic approaches engage in political warfare: those who want to quarantine everyone until the vaccine is ready and those who want to start the Easter Parade and die for the economy.

Those are the options for those who drive into cul-de-sacs. There is no way to solve the problem as a "zero-sum" game. 

Those who want to channel their energy more productively (and sanely) may just turn off the networks engaged in political football look for fresher horizons and saner ways to endure what seems to be a long and bumpy way ahead.

Most are already turning to Zoom or WhatsApp their way to stay in touch with family, friends and some sort of businesses.  That's a good beginning.

Take a look for that at our coming events just divided into two areas:
  1. How to stay in touch and sane
  2. How to make a living while this lasts
Facing the Virus Flood, some are setting up a new network of virtual rafts rather than the Biblical Arch.

This author is one of them and will stay in touch.

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