Investigative journalist Wyl S. Hilton, wrote Down the Breitbart Hole, an excellent piece on Breitbart News, the Far Rigth website controlled by Steven Bannon and its impact.
On top of the insights on what is inside and behind Breitbart -and its current decline- the piece includes a valuable reference to a very interesting study by Yochai Benkler from Columbia and Harvard mapping the political spectrum of the blogosphere and its impact -measured in hits and reciprocal links that reveal the connections behind supposedly independent sites.

Where you can see also how the Left-Right spectrum lined up "retweeting" during the 2016 campaign:
Other must-reads on Breitbart-Bannon and the Mercers (their financiers) is Jane Mayer's investigative report on the New Yorker about the Mercers:
And the New Yorker article on the "trolls" from the Alt-Right blogs introduced in the Press Corp conferences.
After Bannon's thunderous debacle in Alabama, Breitbart looks more a raft loaded with survivors than a powerhouse as it used to be.
But it has a faithful followership that will not let reality get in the way of their wishes.
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