Monday, January 1, 2018

Back to the Basics: The Words that Built America

Filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi produced a documentary in which different public figures -from arts to politics- and young children spell out the words of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, with all its Ammendments:

For those interested in the full film, it's available through HBO. The content is in the small booklet that contains the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence -also known as Bill of Rights- that is given to each new US Citizen in a ceremony that Pelosi also reflected in a previous and touching documentary showing how this happens in each one of the 50 states:

In a special session, recently, the Congress of the United States (COTUS) House of Representatives and Senate member read the Constitution:

As future President John F. Kennedy did as senator for Massachusetts reading the Declaration of Independence:


"An informed citizenship" reads the First Amendment protecting the freedom of speech and press, is a requisite for any republican form of government. Citizens must know their laws and value them in order to respect them.

There is always something new to discover in that small booklet.

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