Monday, June 15, 2020

Time for Civility

"Treat everybody well when you are going up, because is more than likely you'll meet them again in your way down"  Argentinian saying

During these days of multiple crises and social unrest, a serious lack of a key component of presidential leadership becomes self-evident: civility.

What is civility? You can tell it when you see it. Just looking at the numerous positive examples such as the one that starts this entry: President Obama honoring Presidents Bush 43 and 41 in the White House.

Or you can look at the President's Club -where all our living presidents get together to seek advice and support in a job that has no previous training- 

Historically, US Presidents have treated their predecessors with respect and civility. That is true for Abraham Lincoln naming his former primary rival Seward Secretary of State and forming a famous "team of rivals" in his cabinet during a Civil War

Or President Obama doing the same by appointing former rival Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Or finally, all presidents paying respect to Bush 41 at his funeral. 

Or the traditional roasts at the White House Correspondents Dinner

All Presidents have followed this bipartisan American tradition that reminds us all that we are the United States and not a loose Confederation of warring states and parties.

President Trump is the only President that has largely abandoned the tradition of civility and attacked his predecessors from the bully pulpit. 

This is unacceptable, substandard uncivil behavior.

The multiple crises we face as a nation and as part of our shared world require a united United States and a President that sets the tone by example.

Think for a moment that inevitably every President in a Republic becomes a former President.

Think for a moment of Jimmy Carter -who still prays for Trump as President-

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